
About South-South News

South-South News is a digital media platform dedicated to covering the stories of global development from the United Nations, governments, the private sector, and civil society. Launched in February 2010 during the Sixteenth Session of the United Nations General Assembly High-Level Committee on South-South Cooperation, South-South News works in close collaboration with the UN, specialized agencies, governments, leading global businesses & civil society groups to advance the implementation & progress of sustainable development objectives.


We brought important stories to life in a beautifully designed Annual Report for South-South News. It is one of the most valuable communication pieces for the media company as it captures the key highlights of the year while creating a strong narrative about the global South. Last year, over 1000 copies were printed and gifted to UN ambassadors, heads of state and private sector leaders. The branding and visual elements are further reinforced in monthly reports that we design for investors and internal stakeholders. 
